Last updated on June 26th, 2023 at 10:27 am
Virtual Data Rooms – Introduction
Virtual Data Rooms are online warehouses for your business data. Through cloud computing these remote servers store and manage your data cost-effectively and with sustainable efficiency. They allow you work remotely by enabling you to conveniently access, share and edit your business sensitive data in a very secure, controllable digital environment. Thereby facilitating telecommuting, which indirectly reduces automobile emissions and fuel consumption as you avoid actual physical road transportation.
It also reduces the demand for lighting, powering, heating and cooling of office building’s which is more costly than working from home. Besides it saves cost of renting huge office premises as you require less space for employees as well as for storage of important data. VDRs also reduces travel time and costs as it offers teleconferencing, video meetings facility. VDRs thus help promote productivity and better work-life balance.
VDR and cloud computing companies
VDRs reduce server dependencies and improves energy efficiency. VDRs save data in a centralized data base which significantly reduces the number of servers and hard disks required. Outsourcing your cloud computing needs to VDRs indirectly promotes sustainability as multiple servers and computers are expensive to purchase and maintain, while VDR and cloud computing companies have the resources and knowledge to upgrade and maintain energy saving equipment’s and building systems. Thus, VDRs and cloud servers are more eco-friendly and they reduce climate control costs.
VDRs help reduce paper consumption. Over the past 40 years, global consumption of paper has increased 400%. Paper mills and paper making companies are one of the worst polluters of air, water and land as they release highly toxic chemicals like methanol, chlorine dioxide, formaldehyde and hydrochloric acid in the air and water.
VDRs being a digital technology significantly reduces the use of paper. It does this by allowing uploading, sharing, editing and downloading of documents without any wastage. Besides it facilitates multiple users to simultaneously work together, there is no need for maintain files, this requires less space and reduces the risk of losing the documents in transit due to human negligence or natural calamities like floods.
Thus, process efficiency, cost containment and competitive advantages are all grounded in the green office practices that a VDR enables.

The Confiex team specializes in providing premium virtual data room solutions tailored for businesses. With their vast experience in working with document sharing platforms, they have been actively supporting the Virtual Data Room community since 2015 by offering valuable information to users free of charge.